Confessions of a Sensitive Man Headline Animator

Monday, February 20, 2006

Bitter Defeat and Sweet Infatuation

Here's an update about where I am at the moment.

I believe too much has happened the past few weeks, and my ability to write it all out is currently hampered by utter confusion and stress. Some bad news. My moot court team lost the competition in which I've been waiting to participate for the past 6 years. My days of oral advocacy are over. [rest of content edited out due to author's desire to accept defeat with utmost humility]

Ironically, something good has happened too. [rest of content edited out due to author's post-publication desire to keep this one private]

[Now I realize that I have decimated this entire post. Think of it this way: I'm at a turning point, and all this editing is a manifestation of existential uncertainty]