Confessions of a Sensitive Man Headline Animator

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Me and Kevin James

Last week, I decided to fly out to Japan for a few days and then fly to Vegas to attend a christening (a friend wanted me to be a godfather of her second born). I arrived in Vegas on a Friday afternoon. Upon my arrival, I was compelled to treat myself to something good, most especially after the great yet somewhat stressful events that had took place in the preceding days in Tokyo.

It really was just a choice between clubbing, watching one of the several Cirque du Soleil shows, watching a musical, or losing my money to a stupid slot machine (or blackjack table if I wanted to look professional). Instead, I found myself buying tickets to a Ray Romano/Kevin James stand-up comedy show at the Mirage. Oh boy, it was great. Everybody Loves Raymond is by far my favorite sitcom of all time. I love the fact that both TBS and CW in New York play hours of reruns everyday (along with Family Guy, and now The Office). In fact, I'm one of the few believers that the ensemble in Raymond really deserved the group Emmy, beating out Friends on its second to final season. Ray was great, and you could see that most of his jokes were still "family-related" stuff (I know it sounds prudish, but his dry humor is just ridiculous). I had a blast to say the least. The show also included Kevin James, who was also pretty damn funny. I was not a fan of his show The King of Queens (although I thought Leah Remini was pretty gorgeous), but I always thought he was a funny guy, especially in the movies Hitch and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (I think that's the title).

Probably 5 hours later, after drinking and gambling with some friends, I was walking back to my hotel, and lo and behold, I bumped into Kevin James on the street. With my inebriation-driven confidence, I of course stopped him and had a short conversation with the guy. He's a really nice guy!

Starstruck yet again.


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