Confessions of a Sensitive Man Headline Animator

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Depositions, Drama and HDTVs

Reading through hundreds of pages of deposition transcripts has to be one of the most idle, useless and unproductive activities that I have ever done. So, I decided to blog and give my brain a breath of fresh intellectual stimulation. Sad to say, I think I have lost enough brain cells over the past few weeks because of unnecessary occurrences and angst-causing drama to the point that the coherence of this post may be at risk.

Hmmm. I was just thinking...I could be on a cruise right now with my family on the Mediterranean, celebrating my grandmother's 80th Birthday. Instead, I spend a few days on the phone with the cable operators because they decided that ironies, albeit morbid, cruel and darkly humorous ones, need to be a part of their customers' lives once in awhile: i.e. the cable box conks out during the weeks of TV's season finales.

Dramatic I am, as my girlfriend would describe me, and I try to temper it moderately and in a timely manner. My drama is something I would not dispense of because it belongs to the same thread of character that fuels my passion. To do such a thing would be to emotionally amputate my soul. Deep I know.

So now I'm staring at deposition transcripts. The good news is, by Saturday morning, I will be staring at something else more delightful and new 40" LCD Flatscreen HDTV. I decided not to go for the plasma (thanks to the sound advice of my girlfriend), and am happy about the purchase. So now I have my memory foam bed and flatscreen HDTV.

Next purchase? I really need to stop shopping for myself and buy gifts for the people that helped save my life after that car accident of mine back in October. I also need a TV stand.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Memory Foam

The sensitive man often thinks about consumerism and financial conservatism. In my case, I have never been known to be a big spender because I tend to overthink my philosophy on having and spending money. Every once in awhile, however, even the most minimal of spenders need to treat themselves to that ultimate consumer product that just changes lifestyles. Almost 16 paychecks later, I find myself making that ultimate purchase, and my life has changed ever since.

Yes. It is exactly what you think it is. I made the purchase and am damn proud of it. I bought a memory foam bed, and it is the most amazing thing:

I fall asleep faster and it's much more difficult to wake up in the morning. Suffice it to say, my body doesn't take a beating anymore while sleeping. Such a great investment I believe.


Next up? Flatscreen HDTV.