Confessions of a Sensitive Man Headline Animator

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jet-Lagged Emotions

I underestimated how difficult it would be to part ways with my girlfriend once again. The all too familiar drama scene at the airport reminded me of the challenging nature of long distance relationships, and reinforced the parameters that I have discerned would keep this particular relationship strong and steady.

Part of my absence from this blog was due to the media/communication hiatus in which my girlfriend and I agreed to partake as we decided to spend some quiet, quality time together during my one week trip home. I did, however, have several opportunities to post something new, but I simply could not clear the clutter in my head that has prevented from me writing anything sound.

Here I am now, jet-lagged like crazy, and the only thing I can say is...I miss my girlfriend immensely. The irony of this extraordinary relationship is the fact that it is surrounded by the most unnatural of circumstances, where services of the internet and telecommunications are relied upon to replace simple touches, affection, nearness, loving stares and sweet nothings...where coming home to an empty apartment is routine for the both of us...where opinions of movies, books, shows, stories are exchanged through the passage of a microphone and speakers, instant messaging windows, daily emails, and blogs, and not face to face, or in a car driving home from work.

I could spend a lot of time dwelling on how difficult the distance has been, and is now that I am re-realizing a life away from her, only a couple of days after sharing food, love and laughter in person, but perhaps I shouldn't. Perhaps I should start thinking about the next steps. Perhaps it is time to bring our relationship one step closer to being physically together on a permanent basis.

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