Confessions of a Sensitive Man Headline Animator

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mariska Hargitay and Robin Williams Sighting

As soon as I figure out how to transfer photos from my now obsolete mobile phone onto this computer, I will post blurry pics of Robin Williams and Mariska Hargatay shooting several takes for an upcoming Law & Order SVU episode in Grand Central Terminal on a late Friday evening. It's bizarre seeing Robin Williams a good 15 feet away from where I was standing. It almost felt like a cartoon had come to life.

It was a logistical headache for the film staff shooting the country's number one drama in a public commuter area. The handful of floor staff could barely keep the public from inching closer with their cameras and phone cameras aimed at the tandem, like a bunch of neophyte paparazzi trying to get what ever they can. When the staff would push the crowd to one side, the public found another angle from which they could position their curious observations.

To make matters even more interesting, it was quite difficult for the staff to distinguish bystanders from the "bystander" actors directed to walk past the stars during the take. Of course, if you took a look around, those with a bit more make-up, or those who were frozen at the whim of the director were demonstrably the actors called to fill up the crowd scene. Being my randomly insane self, I decided to "freeze" with the acting crowd, hoping that the camera would catch even a glimpse of the serious-looking asian lawyer on screen. I don't watch the show at all, but now I have given myself a reason to check out the episode with Robin Williams guest starring. Vain? Perhaps.

Suffice it to say, I am starstruck yet again and oddly enough, for the third time this year, the starstruck event was related to Law & Order SVU.

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